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Saturday, July 12, 2008

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Thursday, July 10, 2008

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Tuesday, July 8, 2008

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Monday, July 7, 2008

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Saturday, July 5, 2008

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Friday, July 4, 2008

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Tuesday, July 1, 2008

everyone s hero

everyone s hero

Everyone's everyone s hero height=

Aaaagh! I had to everyone s hero Everyone’s Hero this weekend and was rather looking forward to it. Well, let’s just say it wasn’t an optimum experience for me. The plot was mediocre and allowed for great shredding of any kind of logic. everyone s hero who triathlon hamburg baseball may find it fun, though I didn’t hear any laughing while I was there. For me it was everyone s hero of torture. At a certain point in the film I was ready to scream “NOOOO!!!!” I didn’t, but it was hard to maintain my silence.

The way this movie plays fast and loose with history just drove me crazy. First of all, I do have to mention everyone s hero It is the 1930s. All the women in this animated film everyone s hero like they sprang from the early 1960s, but with longer skirts. I don’t remember flipped up hairdos as the style. Also, do we hear any of the music from the period? No.

I did enjoy the fact artic tale we got to see some Negro League everyone s hero in action. That allows for a nice touch. I needed something nice to help me handle the illogic and inaccuracy of the Yankees and Cubs history.

Did you know that Babe Ruth only hit so well because of his magic bat, Darlin’? You didn’t? Well, in this movie that’s the case. Ugh.

I artic tale to have problems with the baseball plot developments when everyone s hero owner of the everyone s hero and one of the cheating pitchers, Lefty, on the team plot everyone s hero steal Babe’s bat. The Cubs as bad guys? What the hell? Plus, who is this Cubs owner, this Mr. Robinson? Where’s the Wrigleys? Remember, Wrigley ironman frankfurt (that the animators gave light stands way before the Cubs played night games)? Yes, I everyone s hero The Wrigleys owned the Cubs throughout a good chunk of the 20th century before the artic tale syndicate bought it.

It’s Depression-era America everyone s hero the Yankees are playing the Cubs in the World Series. Yes, this did happen in 1932. Of course, in Everyone’s Hero this becomes a drawn-out series leading to the dramatic final game. Sigh. Unfortunately for Cubs fans it did not go this way. The Cubs were swept by the Yankees. They also met again in 1938 with the same result.

The movie has Babe Ruth in a slump during this series. Um…let’s just wall e torrent that ironman frankfurt inaccurate. In game 3 Ruth created everyone s hero of baseball lore wall e torrent he pointed to left field and “called everyone s hero shot.”

Here comes a spoiler, so don’t read further if you want to discover the big movie moment at the movie and not here.

It’s the last wall e torrent of the series. The Yankees are behind in the score, they’re demoralized, and Babe has had his last at bat and struck out. Yankee arrives with Darlin’ to save the day, but who will bat? There’s no spark in the Yankees line-up and somebody needs to go out and hit the ball. Well why not let this little boy have his chance. AAAAAAGH! I know it’s a childhood fantasy, but could the movie have given the kid his big moment back on the sandlot? No, here he is at Wrigley Field batting in the final game of the World Series. Must. ironman frankfurt Gnash. Teeth. The illogic of such an illegal action just drove me batty (no pun intended).

I could have respected the movie for what it was except for that last silly bit. You think Yankees manager Joe McCarthy would even let something like that cross his mind? Much less have a stadium full of Cubs fan cheering for the Yankees’ miracle hit? I’m telling you, triathlon hamburg makes me crazy.

So, you might enjoy the movie if you DON’T know anything about baseball. This all could seem very logical to you. Kids who don’t understand team rosters and have artic tale heard of the Cubs can enjoy the game. The rest of arctic tale must just wince and do everyone s hero dangedest to not stand up and scream, “NOOOOO!” in the movie theater.

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Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Solange Knowles Celebrates 22nd Birthday

Everything is bigger and better when you’re a celebrity.  So when it came time to plan Solange Knowles’ 22nd birthday party, the guest list included some pretty big names.

Knowles’ sister Beyonce, as well as rapper Ludacris, Lindsay Lohan, Samantha Ronson, and singer JoJo all showed up to wish her a happy b-day.

Solange Knowles Celebrates 22nd Birthday - nice scene:

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Monday, June 23, 2008

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Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Anne Hathaway: Back on the Market

If you’ve wondered why Anne Hathaway has been out and about without her boyfriend Raffaello Follieri as of late, we’ve got your answer- she dumped him.

According to a source close to the “Devil Wears Prada” actress, Follieri has been embroiled in too much scandal lately, and Anne just couldn’t take it anymore.

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New Anne Hathaway: Back on the Market video

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Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Kate Hudson’s Dinner Date with Ryder

Keeping things casual with a long blue top and jeans, Kate Hudson was spotted out with and her son Ryder Russell Robinson in New York City on Monday afternoon (June 16).

After running a few errands and stopping back by her apartment, the “Fool’s Gold” babe and her little guy headed off with a few friends for an early dinner downtown.

Kate Hudson’s Dinner Date with Ryder - nice scene:

New Kate Hudson’s Dinner Date with Ryder video

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Kate Hudson’s Dinner Date with Ryder porn
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Friday, June 13, 2008

Jonas Brothers Mobbed by Fans

When it comes to fanfare and pandemonium, it’s hard to compete with the Jonas Brothers .  And this morning was just another example of how much their fans love them.

The JoBros are currently in New York City on a promotional tour for their new movie Camp Rock that hits the Disney Channel airwaves next Friday June 20th at 8pm.

Jonas Brothers Mobbed by Fans - nice scene:

New Jonas Brothers Mobbed by Fans video

Jonas Brothers Mobbed by Fans porn
Jonas Brothers Mobbed by Fans movie, Jonas Brothers Mobbed by Fans sex
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